Alpacas For her birthday early this year Hattie got two male alpacas called Inca and Biscuit
Inca and Biscuit
Zwartbles Sheep Rosie got 5 Zwartbles Sheep and called them Primrose, Katniss, Bo peep, Zsplash, Lotso and a Ram called Buzz most of the sheep were in lamb and 7 lambs were born in April 2012. Three that we are keeping called Rue, Beauty and Peeta
Trevor When trevor was a few days old his mum left him so we bottle fed him and he a few months old now and still hangs around the farm
Hereford X Calves Issie also wanted to get an animal as her sisters had some and she decided to get a calf. She wants to breed pure Hereford from the female calf and will AI her when she is old enough. That is Rojo the red and white one. The other one is called Bíly and is here to keep her company and pay her bills for her!
Rojo when she was a couple of days old
The Hereford bull who is Rojo and Bíly's dad